Sicilgraniti is...
For many generations in the processing of the lava rock, performing with the most careful professionalism, over three decades, the work of floor and wall construction.
Since 1980 SICILGRANITI works in stone, basalt, performing with the most careful
professionalism, in 'a period of thirty years, the work of floor and wall construction esterna.La Our company has been very generous in processing sector of the lava rock. Our workers are highly specialized. Many institutions have entrusted us with the construction of street furniture. Our craftsmen work in the lava rock were able to grasp and highlight the beauty and strength. The testimony is evident in the old blocks rural, in the old millstones in stone, in the eighteenth century style villas with magnificent portals and balconies. The streets, squares and cobbled streets that characterize urban planning Etna villages and the city of Catania.